Frequently Asked Questions:

Question : How long does it take for my orders to ship?

Normal shipping turnaround is 1-4 days to pack the order and to ship.


I did a top coat on my paint pours using Liquitex Pouring Medium and the color bled. I used the Vivid enamel to mix the primary elements in, and used very little pigment. Are Primary Elements stable when dry to the touch?;


It it important to allow the  paint to fully cure. Brush painting ( one coat with a paint brush ) minimal time 72 hours. Paint pouring much longer. Recommended cure time on paint pouring is a minimum 7 -14 days- Most artists give the painting a full 2 week prior to varnishing or applying a type of top-coat

Just because the paint feels feel dry to the touch does not mean they are cured. Paint Pouring especially has many layers of paint .you can run your fingers over the painting but the inside may not even be dry

 More Information:  Pouring medium is an additive with a lot of water content. You add it to the paint while your mixing colors for you pour to reduce crazing. Pouring medium is not a varnish  and no matter what paint you use should NEVER be used  in place of varnish